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Back Views Now On HandgunHero

Until now, the comparison charts have only shown left and right side of handguns. The most requested capability that people have asked about is the ability to see and compare back views of handguns. Understandable, because width is a very important factor when choosing a concealed carry firearm.

Walther PPQ M1 vs PPQ 45 Rear View Comparison

Starting today you can compare handgun widths visually (where available). The caveat is that many, if not most, handguns will not have rear images. We rely on specs and images from manufacturer websites and elsewhere online and back images are very difficult to find, especially for older or more obscure handguns. It looks like Glock, Beretta, and Walther provide a decent amount of them. Other manufacturers either sporadically provide them, or not at all.

In addition to the new back view comparison charts, there is a new option on the handgun search that lets handguns be filtered to only those that have back views.